Bulk Distribution Best Practices with FEVO
September’s webinar was all about FEVO GM, our new bulk distribution tool for clients using Ticketmaster and Tickets.com. In FEVOforum Presents: Bulk Distribution Best Practices w/ FEVO GM, FEVO EVP Partner Development Joe Rugo and Houston Astros Sr. Manager Ticket Technology & Solutions Trevor Purvis led a live demo showing just how easy it is to send tickets to groups both large and small.
Full Inventory Control
- FEVO GM users can easily assign tickets to a team member or group leader allowing fast and easy ticket transfers in bulk, ensuring every ticket ends up in the right hands. No more manual ticket transfers!
Hassle Free
- Getting started is easy — just like FEVO GM. FEVO clients using Ticketmaster or Tickets.com just need to contact their Success rep, who will get you set you with access in a flash. After that simply import inventory from your ticketing provider and you’re ready to start sending.
"It's really simple," remarked Trevor. "You just need first name, last name, email address and number of tickets. Collect that information, load the list, send it out, and it takes five to ten minutes for the process to run."
Time Saving
- Compared to printing and distributing physical tickets or manually transferring digital tickets, FEVO GM saves time for both clients and fans.
"All in all, it worked really effectively,” said Trevor. “In fact, we’re going to send another group of tickets today … It’s something that once you plug into, you can get tickets queued up and sent out pretty smoothly.”
Contact your Success Rep or email bd@fevo.com to get started with bulk distribution today.